Name: Lauren
Age: 13
Mood: Lonely
Likes LOVES: Super Mario
Dislikes: Spiders
Interesting fact:
favorite quote: chineseeeee :]]
favorite animal: Hippo
Other stuff: Nope

Hey there.
Let the games begin.
Starting at the basics of course.
People seem to like calling me Lauren.
Its a pretty common name.
I'm not very fond of it though.
I mostly wear Hollister.
Some Abercrombie, American Eagle occasionally.
I have a Piczo.
I used my middle name on it.
Which you will find out if you take the time of day.
No, I didn't make this layout.
I give credit to whoever did.
I just re-did the links.
Other than that,
I just joined but I have been coming to this site for a while
I make layouts, but not particularly any specific type
I think that I’m pretty good with html.
Well I’m off to make peace with the world and become president.
Remember me.
Lauren Victoria.


Female · 15 years old · Honolulu, HI

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Female · 21 years old

Myspace Layouts